Clarity of Approach and Commitment to Quality

At WDA we pride ourselves on our practical and direct approach to all engagements.

We make a commitment to our clients that there are cleat and direct lines of communication at all times to the Account Manager appointed to the client and also the Audit Partner. Audit Partners in WDA are directly involved in all facets of the job to ensure the quality of the work and the quality of the service delivered to the client.

We set out clear timelines and agree the reporting requirements with the Board/Management at the outset of all engagements.

Legislative & Regulatory Environment

We are familiar with and can advise on the financial reporting requirements of the Charities Act 2009, of Recommended Practice (SORP) 2015, the Companies Act 2014, FRS 102 and any other relevant accounting standard or statutory requirement relevant to charities and not for profits.

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